Civil Engineering
The Civil Engineering Department at the African University of Science and Technology (AUST), Abuja, aspire to transform the practice of civil engineering such that the ultimate use of current information and communication technology takes a centre-stage of the Profession. The objective of the program is to establish a world-class teaching and research centre for civil, construction, building, structural, water, and environmental engineering professionals. The university provides a research environment with opportunities to attract good-quality masters, doctoral, and post-doctoral students, as well as faculty that engage in current, internationally significant research.
The general goal and objectives of engineering and technology education and training align with the realization of national needs and aspirations in terms of industrial development and technical liberation. Therefore the graduates must be resourceful, creative, knowledgeable, and capable of performing the following functions:
To design and oversee engineering projects.
To develop and implement components, machines, equipment, and engineering systems.
To design and create new products and production techniques.
To install and maintain complex engineering systems for optimal performance in our environment.
To adapt and adopt external technology to address regional engineering problems.
To be capable original thought, sound professional judgment, and be ability to take responsibility for the execution of important tasks.
To be able to manage people, funds, materials and equipment.
To improve indigenous technology for use in solving local civil engineering challenges.
The programme is structured in such a way that students will have opportunity to take courses that will provide a basic understanding of all areas of civil engineering practice, while they can concentrate in any of the following options in the final year.
Construction Engineering and Management (combining engineering and management skills to complete construction projects designed by other engineers and architects).
Geotechnical Engineering Profession (soil and rock analysis in support of engineering projects and applications such as building foundations, earthen structures, underground facilities, dams, tunnels, roads, and so on).
Structural Engineering (design of all types of stationary structures - buildings, bridges, dams, etc.).
Surveying (measuring or/mapping the earth’s surface in support of engineering design and construction projects and for legal purposes - locating property lines, etc.).
Transportation Engineering (the design of all types of transportation facilities and systems, including streets and highways, airports, railroads, other forms of mass transit, harbors and ports, and etc.)
Water Resources (the management and use of water, with a focus on flood control, irrigation, the supply of raw water, and hydroelectric power).
Environmental Engineering (Air Pollution Control, Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal, Recycling, and Solid Waste Disposal) Public Health Engineering (municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment).
Students learn a wide range of skills, from evaluating and designing of engineering projects to testing and experimenting in the lab.
The philosophy and mission statement of the civil engineering programme are designed to achieve the goals and objectives of the National Policy on Industrialization and Self-Reliance through:
Broad-based foundation in engineering and technology as well as specialized knowledge and practice in civil engineering skills.
Practical exposure to application of Engineering and Technology to problem solving.
Adequate training in human and organizational behaviour and management.
Developing entrepreneurial expertise, a sense of civic responsibility, and independence.
Fostering collaboration between the institution and industry for an effective programme delivery.
Creating an awareness and understanding of the moral, ethical, legal, and professional obligations needed to be a member of a professional enterprise while protecting human health, welfare, and the environment in a global society.
Generating awareness and understanding of the need to develop leadership and teamwork skills to maximize the benefits of engineering education and its application to solutions in civil engineering.
Use of Project Based Learning approach in delivering the pedagogy.
Therefore, the overall philosophy, is to produce graduates with high academic and ethical standards, adequate practical exposure for self-employment, immediate usefulness to industry and the community in the field of civil infrastructure and engineering applications. Detailed information about the department can be found in the departmental handbook.