Management of Information Technology

Management of Information Technology

M.Sc. Management of Information Technology Computer Science Department African University of Science and Technology (AUST), Abuja

In this new so-called “information age”, information has become a resource, a tool and also one of the major risks in any organisation. Therefore the management of information becomes everyone's business in an organisation. It affects how well an organisation communicates with its clients, how secure data is, and whether the organisation has an effective way to measure its performance and meet its goals. This program is designed to produce graduates who will become the key people responsible for oversight and monitoring of this key cog in the gears of any organisation and serve as the bridge between generators and users of data and, in particular, to support the use and interpretation of data by Management.

This is a “taught” programme. Completion of a total of 36 credit hours of coursework and a project is required for award of the degree. The program is made up of courses with course units ranging in credit value from 2 to 3. The majority will be 3-credit courses, in line with the credit rating for similar courses at many institutions globally. All courses will be taught and assessed on the basis of any combination of continuous assessment, examinations and practicum. A letter grade will be awarded for each course completed. Courses will be offered over 18 calendar months made up of 3 semesters, to cover 18 credits during each semester and dissertation.

The courses include: Implementation of IT in organizations; Enterprise architecture and business analysis; Design of business processes and information systems; Technologies for Business Intelligence; IT Project Management; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): technological and methodological issues; Information Security ; Data Analysis and Visualisation; User Experience: Foundations and measures; Managing the design and improvement of operational systems; Archives and Data Curation, Applied Multivariate Analysis and Forecasting; Information Design Trends

Admission requirements for the MSc program include a Bachelor’s degree in relevant field with a second class lower. The candidate must obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.0 to graduate from the program. The programme is very intensive and only well-motivated and prepared students are encouraged to apply. The courses are taught during weekend for 36 to 40 hours, including lectures and problem solving sessions. Details of the course outline are in the handbook. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Outcome Based Education (OBE) approaches are used in teaching.


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