Professor Amos David

Prof Amos

Professor Amos David

Computer Science Department (Visiting Faculty)


Data modelling, Information Systems, Economic Intelligence.

Amos David

B.Sc. (Ibadan-Nigeria), M.S. Computer Science (Nancy-France),
Ph.D. Computer Science (Nancy-France)

Courses (Being taught at AUST):

  • Database and Information Systems


Recent publications
  •  Competitive Intelligence and Decision Problems, ISTE-WILEY, ISTE – WILEY, Book, 348 pages, 2011
  • DAVID Amos, « Digital Humanities in Library and Information Science: Fundamental Issues and Applications», Invited paper, Conference on the theme “Training, Research - Support of development: Information and Documentation faced with the challenges of Emergent Africa”, Université Yaoundé 2, Cameroun, 3-4 December 2015
  • DAVID Amos, Opportunities in Information Technology for Entrepreneurship & Wealth Creation, Keynote Speaker at the opening plenary of the 2013 IT Professionals Assembly, Abuja, Nigeria, 19th October, 2013
  • DAVID Amos, UWADIA Charles « Transition from Observation to Knowledge to Intelligence », Lagos, Nigeria, ISBN 978-2-9546760-1-2
Notable Achievements
  • Coordination of Franco-Nigeria university collaboration since 2002, involving 2 universities in France and 5 universities in Nigeria; As at 2015, 7 doctors were trained within the framework and are exercising in Nigerian universities.
  • Treasurer/Secretary ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) 2014-2018.
  • President ISKO-France (International Society for Knowledge Organization, French Chapter) 2011-2015.
  • Initiator of the Biannual conference of the “Transition from Observation to Knowledge to Intelligence) in 2014.